Ghana Finance Ministry Voices Concerns Over Anti-LGBT Legislation

Ghana Finance Ministry Warns Against Anti-LGBT Bill

Ghana Finance Ministry Warns Against Anti-LGBT Bill

The Ghana Finance Ministry has issued a warning against the proposed anti-LGBT bill that is currently being debated in the country’s parliament. The bill, which seeks to criminalize same-sex relationships and activities, has sparked a heated debate in Ghana and drawn widespread criticism from human rights organizations and foreign governments.

The Finance Ministry has expressed concerns that the passage of the bill could have serious implications for foreign investment and economic development in Ghana. In a statement released yesterday, the ministry warned that the bill could tarnish Ghana’s image as a tolerant and business-friendly country, and deter foreign investors from doing business in the country.

The warning from the Finance Ministry comes as the debate over the bill continues to rage in Ghana. Proponents of the bill argue that it is necessary to protect traditional Ghanaian values and morals, while opponents say that it is a violation of human rights and an infringement on individual freedoms.

It remains to be seen how the debate over the bill will unfold in the coming weeks, but one thing is clear: the Finance Ministry is taking a stand against the bill and warning of the potential economic consequences if it is passed into law.

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